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Problems with t300
I have looked at the user reviews for the t300 and was wondering how many people who are still phonescoop useres have had any probs...
Specifically I am having to wait a long time to connect. And often times it does not even connect then and I have to re-dial 3, 4 or 5 times.
I live in kansas City, MO so I know that the TMobile service is spotty at best in some area but there is a tower not too far from my house and it still seems lacking.
Larry 🙂
I actually have been having the same problems with my t300 the last few months. I've had the phone for about 10 months and I've tried getting a new battery and everything. I also occasionally have to wait 3-4 times for my phone to connect. In addition to this my t300 will lock out (no incoming or outgoing calls allowed), and when I turn it off I have problems turning the phone back on. I've never had a problem with service using my other phone (nokia 3390), just problems with my t300. I can't wait to get the Motorola v600 or the Nokia 6230.
Thanks I appreciate the heads up. I am also using a Nokia 3390 for the mean time. It was my first phone with VoiceStream at the time and although it lacks wireless access I LOVE that phone. I have about 3 stock piled for rainy days. LOL
Signal strength is one of the most common complaints I hear from ericsson phones. If you're looking for a phone with strong reception, I would recommend nokia at the moment.
the t300 is a horrible phone all the way around. the camera isnt even worth using, the colors are dull and limited, the reception is horrible, etc.
the only thing the t300 had going for it was its battery life which was decent at best. i say "had" because it's no longer in production... and rightfully so
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