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need opinion on Samsung E105
i'm from rockland county ny. some local tmobile dealers are giving the Samsung E105 for free with new activation. please give your honest opinion on the quality of this phone. i'm just interested in being able to hear well, decent bettary life, and get reception.
i've gone through several different models from tmobile and found some have worse and better quality, bettery life, and reception. so far the motorola p280 has been the best.
I just got my e105 few days ago. IMHO Samsung is the best for T-mobile. 😁
I really like the E105 a lot! The battery is good, signal is great and the phone is solid overall.
The only thing is the ring tones could of been more normal.
I currently own a Samsung E715 which is about the same in signal and battery life. In all honesty the phone is average in signal and in battery life. I've heard no complaints about the E105 though, so it should be a reliable phone, and you should have to worry about defects.
My recommendation for signal right now is going to be Nokia. I know it's not a flip phone, but all the new nokias have an automatic key guard so you don't have to worry about remembering to manually lock your keys, or making accidental calls. If you want a compact phone the Nokia 6610 is going to be the best choice. It should be about the same price as the E105 or maybe cheaper.
TMGuru said:
I've heard no complaints about the E105 though, so it should be a reliable phone, and you should have to worry about defects.
Edit: That is, you should NOT have to worry about defects. proof reading is fun!
Is that free after the $100 mail in rebate? That's a great little phone, by the way. Everybody I sell them to loves them. It isn't the fanciest, but it is small, lightweight, and attractive. Plus it just feels well built to me, compared to say a Motorola V66 which is about the same size. I do agree about the Nokia 6610, though, it's probably close to the same price if not cheaper, and you get voice dial, speakerphone, and a tri-mode world phone. Plus you could put queer faceplates on it if you were so inclined. 😛
Dude the e 105 is not bad for a samsune. but the samsung line is all crap for t mobile. go with a nokia. i work in t mobile cust care and i hear so many complaints about th samsung phone it is no funny. 🤣
I work for TMobile in customer care and I can tell you the best flip phones we sell are the Samsungs. Forget about Moto's although I just saw the V600 Moto and I would consider that one. Samsung E105 is a nice dependable phone. I have a samsung V205 and it's awesome. One thing I have noticed with the V205 and S105 is that when they get older their screens can go out on them. Haven't heard of this prob with the E105 but then again it isn't too old.
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