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Sprint/Nextel Merger...


Apr 9, 2005, 10:18 AM
When will this happen and what are the biggest changes that will take affect?

Apr 9, 2005, 1:03 PM
CelluNerd said:
When will this happen and what are the biggest changes that will take affect?
Consider them independently operated companies working towards a difficult goal: Cross-platform technology integration. It's going to be a while.

Apr 9, 2005, 2:02 PM
its not that hard.

nextel has contiguous spectrum in 800 and 1.9ghz. most of their towers are on 800. all they have to do is change that to cdma instead of iden. thus; half of nextel's towers will be on the cdma network by 2007-2008 time frame.

i cant tell you exactly when they are going to start for obvious reasons, but its not as hard as you think it will be.

any questions please ask.

Apr 9, 2005, 3:53 PM
nextel18 said:
its not that hard.

nextel has contiguous spectrum in 800 and 1.9ghz. most of their towers are on 800. all they have to do is change that to cdma instead of iden. thus; half of nextel's towers will be on the cdma network by 2007-2008 time frame.

i cant tell you exactly when they are going to start for obvious reasons, but its not as hard as you think it will be.

any questions please ask.

Wrong dude, NEXTEL does NOT HAVE contiguous 800 MHz Spectrum yet. They won't have it until the 800 rebanding is completed and all of the NPSPAC Public Safety users are relocated from 866-869 to 851-854 and 821-823 to 806-809 respectively. That is a long way off as the Transition Administrator has...

Apr 9, 2005, 4:01 PM
they oked the consensus plan, thus they have the 1.9ghz and contig in the 800mhz. if they dont have it now, they will have it in 2 years when the transition would happen. actually they get immediate access to the 1.9ghz. i would trust trust brokerage houses who analyze the company left and right than you.

Apr 9, 2005, 4:12 PM
I'm a licensee and have spectrum in the 800 MHz band. I know more than they do...

and by the way, the plan is scheduled to sunset in 2009 and from that point forward NEXTEL can populate 1.9 GHz. Your wrong again....

Apr 9, 2005, 4:16 PM
not according to what brokerage houses who actually OWN nextel says. again, your wrong. again, i would belive a company who owns nextel then you and gives analysis on them basically every day.

the plan is to end in 2008.

http://mrtmag.com/news/nextel_rebanding_order_020705/ »

Rebanding will be coordinated through a Transition Administrator team headed by BearingPoint and Baseline Telecom. Last week, the Transition Administrator released a schedule calling for rebanding to be completed by the middle of 2008.

your wrong.

Apr 9, 2005, 4:25 PM
So you just contradicted yourself where you stated that it will be in 2 years:

https://www.phonescoop.com/carriers/forum.php?fm=m&f ... »

I'm not wrong....the middle of 2008 is closer to 2009 than with the incorrect information that you posted. 😛

Apr 9, 2005, 4:30 PM
no its def. not closer what you said.

it will get done 2 years from the order was oked. they accepted it in feb 7th, 2005. 2-3 years equals 2007-2008. you said 2009 that would be 4 years. i said 2 years. 2007-2008 is 2 years.

Apr 9, 2005, 4:49 PM
Try again...

http://www.ita-relay.com/800_MHz/The%20Process/Timel ... »

and be sure to read the bottom of page 2 where it states that:

After the completion of the reconfiguration, the TA must audit the expenses accrued by Nextel and determine whether Nextel will be required to provide the U.S. Treasury with an "anti-windfall" payment in exchange for an authorization to operate at 1.9 GHz.

Is is because of the review of the TA and the requirements to re-write the treaties with Canada and Mexico that this will go way into 2009.

Apr 9, 2005, 5:07 PM
it wont go way into 2009. it will go alteast to mid 2008.

by the way.... authorization to operate is way differnt then getting immediate access..

one can get immediate access but cant operate it yet.

another thing .. http://www.newratings.com/analyst_news/articl e_593609.html

In a research note published yesterday, the analyst mentions that the FCC has awarded a $452 million credit to the company for spectrum swap. Nextel Communications would gain access to 1.9GHz spectrum 60 days after the final order is registered with the Federal Register

Apr 9, 2005, 4:09 PM
by the way look on the fcc.gov web site. there are orders there and it says that nextel does have access imediately to the 1.9ghz of spectrum.

they dont have contig spectrum in the 800 till the order is finished.

http://wireless.fcc.gov/publicsafety/800MHz/bandreco ... »

http://wireless.fcc.gov/publicsafety/800MHz/bandreco ... »

good luck.

Apr 9, 2005, 4:37 PM
I have read the orders many times and no where does it state that NEXTEL can immediately populate 1.9 GHZ, and BTW, the 1.9 GHz band isn't vacant, they have to move the users that currently exist as stated here:

in exchange for the spectrum Nextel is surrendering
coupled with the uncertain costs it must incur to accomplish 800 MHz
band reconfiguration, clear the 1.9 GHz band of Broadcast Auxiliary
Service (BAS) incumbents and reimburse UTAM Inc., (UTAM) for a portion
of the costs it has incurred in clearing the 1910-1920 MHz and the
1920-1930 MHz band segments
, the Commission will modify certain Nextel
licenses to provide Nextel with a nationwide authority to operate in
ten megahertz of spectrum in the 1.

Apr 9, 2005, 5:02 PM
again, they get access to it immediately, however they have to clear incumbents and pay costs to clear it. they cant not use it, however, they do have immediate access.

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Nextel’s 1.9 GHz modified licenses do not authorize
Nextel to begin operations in the band until Nextel files with the Commission an acknowledgement that
meets the requirements of paragraph 87 supra.


they have access to the 1.9ghz. they cant use it, however, till they clear all of the incumbents. i know for a fact they have access to it!


Nextel will receive rights to the 1.9 GHz band spectrum conditioned on its meeting the
obligations imposed by this Report and Order, and on its payment to the U.S. Treasury of any differen...

Apr 9, 2005, 5:29 PM
nextel18 said:
Nextel will receive rights to the 1.9 GHz band spectrum conditioned on its meeting the
obligations imposed by this Report and Order, and on its payment to the U.S. Treasury of any difference
between the value of 1.9 GHz band spectrum rights and Nextel’s costs incurred in reconfiguring the 800
MHz band and clearing the 1.9 GHz band.

Your amazing...you posted the requirement right here and you still said I'm wrong. You need to read what you post.

Apr 9, 2005, 5:35 PM
read this...

another thing .. http://www.newratings.com/analyst_news/articl e_593609.html

In a research note published yesterday, the analyst mentions that the FCC has awarded a $452 million credit to the company for spectrum swap. Nextel Communications would gain access to 1.9GHz spectrum 60 days after the final order is registered with the Federal Register.


1. they get immediate access.
2. they cant use it till they pay the incumbents
3. they cant use it till some obligations are done.
4. they get immediate access.

done. thats it. enough. you and i are both right.

1. they have immediate access.
2. they cant use it till they do certain obligations.


Apr 9, 2005, 8:35 PM
nextel18 said:
read this...

another thing .. http://www.newratings.com/analyst_news/articl e_593609.html

In a research note published yesterday, the analyst mentions that the FCC has awarded a $452 million credit to the company for spectrum swap. Nextel Communications would gain access to 1.9GHz spectrum 60 days after the final order is registered with the Federal Register.


1. they get immediate access.
2. they cant use it till they pay the incumbents
3. they cant use it till some obligations are done.
4. they get immediate access.

done. thats it. enough. you and i are both right.

1. they have immediate access.
2. they cant use it till they do certain obligations.


Apr 9, 2005, 8:38 PM
thats your opinion.

i know i am right.

analysts that are close to the firm say it, and others say it. belive who you want. i know for a fact they have access to it, but cant use it yet till they get their obligations done.

Apr 10, 2005, 5:33 AM
nextel18 said:
thats your opinion.

i know i am right.

analysts that are close to the firm say it, and others say it. belive who you want. i know for a fact they have access to it, but cant use it yet till they get their obligations done.

Have you ever looked up the word "access" to see what it means?

Main Entry: 1ac·cess
Pronunciation: 'ak- also ik-'ses
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French & Latin; Middle French acces arrival, from Latin accessus approach, from accedere to approach -- more at ACCEDE
1 a : ONSET 2 b : a fit of intense feeling : OUTBURST
2 a : permission, liberty, or ability to enter, approach, communicate with, or pass to and from b : freedom or ...

Apr 10, 2005, 4:11 PM
MarkF said:
nextel18 said:
thats your opinion.

i know i am right.

analysts that are close to the firm say it, and others say it. belive who you want. i know for a fact they have access to it, but cant use it yet till they get their obligations done.

Have you ever looked up the word "access" to see what it means?

Main Entry: 1ac·cess
Pronunciation: 'ak- also ik-'ses
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French & Latin; Middle French acces arrival, from Latin accessus approach, from accedere to approach -- more at ACCEDE
1 a : ONSET 2 b : a fit of intense feeling : OUTBURST
2 a : permission, liberty, or ability to enter, approach, communicate with, or pas

Apr 10, 2005, 5:16 PM
isotropic_misanthropic said:
MarkF said:
nextel18 said:
thats your opinion.

i know i am right.

analysts that are close to the firm say it, and others say it. belive who you want. i know for a fact they have access to it, but cant use it yet till they get their obligations done.

Have you ever looked up the word "access" to see what it means?

Main Entry: 1ac·cess
Pronunciation: 'ak- also ik-'ses
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French & Latin; Middle French acces arrival, from Latin accessus approach, from accedere to approach -- more at ACCEDE
1 a : ONSET 2 b : a fit of intense feeling : OUTBURST
2 a : permission, liberty, or abi

Apr 10, 2005, 6:48 PM
MarkF said:
isotropic_misanthropic said:
MarkF said:
nextel18 said:
thats your opinion.

i know i am right.

analysts that are close to the firm say it, and others say it. belive who you want. i know for a fact they have access to it, but cant use it yet till they get their obligations done.

Have you ever looked up the word "access" to see what it means?

Main Entry: 1ac·cess
Pronunciation: 'ak- also ik-'ses
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French & Latin; Middle French acces arrival, from Latin accessus approach, from accedere to approach -- more at ACCEDE
1 a : ONSET 2 b : a fit of intense feeling : OUTBURST

Apr 10, 2005, 4:27 PM
they have access to it, but cant operate in it yet, till they do their obligations. but they have 100 percent access to it after it was in the federal register.

i would belive nextel's people and brokerage firms over you. you dont have any interest or money into nextel while they have billions. so thus; i belive them over you.


Apr 10, 2005, 5:37 PM
nextel18 said:
they have access to it, but cant operate in it yet, till they do their obligations. but they have 100 percent access to it after it was in the federal register.

i would belive nextel's people and brokerage firms over you. you dont have any interest or money into nextel while they have billions. so thus; i belive them over you.


Your not worth my time little man! 😈
I've proved you wrong and guess what...your still wrong as I have posted the facts and you just spout off with zero....

I'm DONE as we will let the others on the board decide for themselves as to who they want to believe and trust for the information.

Apr 10, 2005, 5:47 PM
you havnt proven me wrong. we are both right.

1. they have immediate access to the 1.9ghz
2. however, they cant use it till they do some clearing and other obligations.

Apr 10, 2005, 6:51 PM
MarkF said:
nextel18 said:
they have access to it, but cant operate in it yet, till they do their obligations. but they have 100 percent access to it after it was in the federal register.

i would belive nextel's people and brokerage firms over you. you dont have any interest or money into nextel while they have billions. so thus; i belive them over you.


Your not worth my time little man! 😈
I've proved you wrong and guess what...your still wrong as I have posted the facts and you just spout off with zero....

I'm DONE as we will let the others on the board decide for themselves as to who they want to believe and trust for the information.
There's ...

Apr 10, 2005, 6:55 PM
nextel18 said:
thats your opinion.

i know i am right.

analysts that are close to the firm say it, and others say it. belive who you want. i know for a fact they have access to it, but cant use it yet till they get their obligations done.
Just a little tidbit that might help your credibility with others on this board (although I strongly doubt it)...it's believe. That's how you spell the word. What's the point of even posting on this site if every member thinks you're a fraud? I mean, if I were posting on this site and everybody thought I was a fool...I'd just go elsewhere. Geeze.

Apr 10, 2005, 6:59 PM
credibility on this board means nothing to me. i dont care how to spell it, becuase i dont want to be a nerd like you. if people wants to think that thats up to them, i dont care.

Apr 10, 2005, 7:04 PM
nextel18 said:
credibility on this board means nothing to me. i dont care how to spell it, becuase i dont want to be a nerd like you. if people wants to think that thats up to them, i dont care.
LOL. That's funny. "I don't care if what I'm posting is thought of as funny by every member of this forum".

Apr 10, 2005, 7:10 PM
nice... good for you.

Apr 9, 2005, 2:01 PM
the merger should be oked in the 2nd half of this year.

what the goal is; is to make nextel's iden customers to migrate to cdma by using qchat. execs have been thinking to just use iden for people who use push to talk mainly. like fbi, public safety etc... but who knows with that.

in 2007-2008 that is when the migration should take place. half of nextel's towers would be on the cdma network.

hope that helps..

any questions please ask.

Apr 11, 2005, 9:16 AM
that was a big joke, i dont care about banding spectrum, i just want to know what to expect with regards how the two companies merging will improve services, plans, if they'll be able to PTT together, etc...

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