Okay, I'm looking to switching carriers after my VZW contract ends this november. It's got to be pretty bad when I work for these people and want to change. Anyway, direct connect minutes, how do they apply? the plans show 250 Direct Connect minutes, does that mean every time key the mike to talk to another Nextel person, it rounds up to a full minute, even if you talk like 5 seconds?
No, it counts by the second 😁
that's great! I want to a share plan with just me and another family member and the 250 DC minutes per phone would prob be sufficient per month for us. Now, are those minutes shared too? If one phone uses like 100 DC minutes and the other uses 300, would it be able to borrow DC minutes from the other phone?
No each phone would have 250 DC minutes, now the new line would not add on any talk minutes (you would have to share the minutes on the main line you bought) but every line you add on is designated it's own 250 DC minutes
So if you bought the 39.99 + 15.00 add on line team share line
400 minutes for the both of you, 250 DC minutes each. unlimited N&W for both phones.
okay, thanks. Just wanted to clear that up.
np, never fear Dyingunman is here from 10:00 till 5:00 on saturdays, and during the week at times im too lazy to disclose 😎
Dyingunman is incorrect. You would share the DC minutes between the lines.
Directly from www.nextel.com
Nextel National Team Share Add-on
Includes: To get the best value, we recommend purchasing 2 phones and 2 Nextel National Team Share rate plans
Shared Anytime Cellular minutes with other National Team Share plans
Shared Direct ConnectTM minutes with other National Team Share plans
wait so you're saying he should purchace two natiomal team share plans and no addon
No his response was to your post on the share plan stating each phone receives 250 DC minutes. That is true, but the DC minutes are pooled, just like the cell minutes.
I was wondering, because I looked at the website again and it did lead me to believe the DC minutes were pooled.
hey if you are not sure call up nextel's customer care dept and they will probably be anxious to answer any of your questions that you have for them 🙂