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Kyocera 3250 vs. Nokia 3587i for Best Reception?
Oct 3, 2004, 4:28 PM
Which is best--any experience? Thanks.
both are really a toss up i had to choose between them i would say the 3250 slightly. the problems i usually ran into is that the 3250 reception bars would change constantly from good to bad even if you just moved a couple of feet. The problems i had with the 3587 was that it would not pick up the signal in areas where a lot of other alltel phones worked at. I choose the 3250 cause at least it could pick up the signal.
Oct 3, 2004, 6:22 PM
Thanks for the info, MobileMerc. The LG 5550 I have now is so-so on reception. It garbles the words some, and it sounds like I'm in a box sometimes. I love the phone and its features, but I need good clear communication since I don't have a land line anymore. The LG also has a slight static most of the time, which drives me nuts. It will go back to the store tomorrow and I'll swap it for either the Nokia or Kyocera.
I have actually heard a lot more complaints on the 3587. The least would be the 5550, (for the replier) But there are not enough 5550s out there to compare since they are in short supply.
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