ok....im getting a new phone hopefully soon, and i know i wont be able to get the v710 or wuteva it is, so im stuck between these two. both have major ups and downs.
from wut i hear, the 5450 w/ alltel wont let u put wallpapers, and ringtones on ur phone w/o text messaging, and requires more time to mod
and the 5550 is on "mini re-call" for problems w/ the screen or something like that. and the color screen isnt as bright
which one would be better? both have around the same features, but i really want to be able to get ringtones and wallpapers (preferably w/o text messaging, cause my parents wont pay for it âšī¸). i can do w/o the camera, but it is a big plus in my book. either one would be great to have, but since im not close to the ...
Both phones can do wallpapers and ringtones through a USB data cable (EBAY) and a program which is usually free.
The 5550 has the voice recognition software capabilities and speakerphone which is a huge plus. Just without the camera.
but the 5550 is on recall....and i cant find it anywhere. if it only had a camera on it
Why is it on recall, it's available here where I live. If you want a camera and a newer phone, wait until Nov when they will all be coming out.
its on recall due to screen and audio problems. wuts the phone that has the camera? who makes it?
Oct 25, 2004, 7:46 AM
I know the LX5550 was recalled by US Cellular (but is supposed to be available again mid-November), but not by Alltel, AFAIK. Mine is nearly a month old now, with no problems. And, both my local stores still have them available (although apparently they sell out nearly as fast as they get stock in).
I really like mine - best cell phone I've owned in the past 5 years (and I've gone through several in that time).
What is the poroblem witht he screen and audio?
The new phones coming out are the Motorola and I think a Audiovox and newer LG.
screen dies out i think, and audio is off or something. look on howard cui (or wuteva its called. its in the link section), get on their forums and do a search, youll see wut im talking about. exactly wut phones do u know? i know the v710, but i dont like that too much
The V710 is amazing phone, how can you not like it? We're limited with Alltel, but hopefully soon some newer phones will be released.
something called low on cash. i dont have too much money, and the phone cost $400 w/ a 2 yr plan đ˛ , a lil outta my league
I have had both phones since released and it's a tough call. The 5550 has had the mentioned problems: outside display going haywire, numerous times it's locked up. One night the inside display was actually reversed and locked up!!(this was a first for me). I personally love that phone, and if it had a camera I wouldn't be getting the V710. I've had the 5450 since it was released and have NEVER had any trouble with it at all. I only have 165 hours on it but it has been great. If a camera isn't a big deal go with the 5550, if you dig the maroon casing which kinda grew on me. The voice services on the phone are the best I've ever had on a phone.
i dont realy like the red color on the 5550. and i dont see the big deal w/ the v710 either. but o wel...im pretty sure now that im getting the 5450
I've seen issues with the 5550's screen blacking out, after sending in for repair, no issues after that. 5550 also has issues with sticking with a tower causing reception issues. For the money 5450 is where I'd go. You get a camera and who wants a phone that talks to you?
Nov 10, 2004, 1:42 PM
Actually, the hands free speaker phone and voice command is really nice in the car. You can use voice command to dial a number, and the phone will speak it back to confirm before it places the call - I like that feature a lot (and when not in the car a push of a button, and driving mode is off).
I've been really happy with my LX5550 - no issues at all in the 7 weeks I've had it, and reception is great, IMO.
(but then again, I'm one of those who DON'T want a dang camera phone đ ).