Nov 26, 2004, 2:59 AM
I have an old lg vx6000 from Verizon. Can i give it to my girlfriend who has alltel since they are both CDMA?
Yes you can. Just keep trying until you find an agent that will activate it for you.
I was able to activate my son's LG 6000 on Alltel by calling customer service. When they asked me what phone it was I told them the 3100. The reason I did that was because the 4 previous tries when I told them it was the 6000 they said it would not work on Alltel. Then someone in Howard's Forum told me to tell them it was the 3100 & they would activate it for me & they did. Customer service will walk you thru activating it over the phone.
You may be lucky enough to find a nice tech guy in an Alltel store that will activate it for you. If not give Alltel a call & try activating that way.
Nov 26, 2004, 12:50 PM
Thanks for the reply.
Your son's phone works fine? Do all the features work? Not so much ringtones and things, but text messaging at least?
My girlfriend will kill me if i mess that up for her, haha
Thanks in advance
as far as i will make and recieve calls, but im not sure if all that axcess stuff will work or not. thats just wut i heard though
I have a VX6000 on Alltel. The Text Messaging works but not the Mobile Web or Axcess. You must program it. Then set it to home only and do a *228 PRL update. It should work fine. 😎
The problem with activating verizon phone on a different service, is that if you travel you will incur roaming charges in your coverage area. The verizon PRL in the phone, is for verizon only. The phone will not be able to download the correct PRL list either.
Actually, there is no problem downloading the PRL onto a Verizon phone. I have done it several times (including my VX6000). Activate the ESN, then program phone normally. Set mode to "home only" (no roaming etc..). the phone should hook up to the network. dial *228 and the phone should update Alltel's PRL. If this does not work, There are programs to write the PRL at some stores (NOT ALLEL CORP. STORES) such as Motorola PST. The only limitations are the type of phone. They must me CDMA. 😁
I still would not mismatch the equipment, there is always a chance of getting roaming charges in the coverage area. Alltel does not have the proper s/w for non alltel phones, so a lot of the features will probably be lost. (this could make the phone unstable) Also, you will not be able to get a lot of help from technical support since its not a supported phone. The other bad side of it is,,,if you do incur roaming charges, it normally wouldn't get credited off due to non alltel equipment. The PRL trick may work, never tried but a good idea.
can be done with the phone,both cdma carriers,soft on phone will need to be "flashed".other wise will cause roaming problems with phone,seen it happen on verizonwireless service,cust goes and activates us cellular phone on verizonwireless calling plan,did"nt get a soft ware flash done on the phone,had out ragous roaming charges on bill&said his roaming indicator never went on when actually roaming with old carrier.deffinately do the software flash.
Some carriers don't let you use other carriers phones, and Alltel is included in those who don't. The reason why, is that even when the Alltel software is uploaded, the phone was once configured for a different carrier, and will always seek the original carrier's tower.
Whether that is true or not, sometimes the text messaging platform does not work properly, and neither the mobile web, etc.
I sometimes use Verizon and US Cellular phones when people come into our Alltel retail store, but seldom. Most want a newer phone.
I found this on ALLTEL's web site. I have a friend who has another year on ALLTEL (before he can switch to Cingular) so he bought the vx-6000 on ebay and If ALLTEL won't activate it I'm going to direct their attention to this part of their web site. /php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_sid=cLTzMuuh&p_lva =&p_faqid=127&p_created=976497305&p_sp=cF9ncm lkc29ydD0mcF9yb3dfY250PTE5JnBfc2VhcmNoX3RleHQ 9JnBfcHJvZF9sdmwxPTIyJnBfcHJvZF9sdmwyPTI0JnBf cGFnZT0x&p_li=