When will VZW take over Alltel in SC?
BIlling system conversion and store rebranding is starting in the NE part of the country right now, and will progress across the US as the year goes on.
familyguync07 said:
No it has not!! If it was already you wouldnt see the name alltel anymore!! Are you nuts>????
you do know that only reason alltel name is still around is because of divested markets, plus it will take a while to change everything over. verizon owns alltel,that is a given fact. and i know there is changes going on in my area.as for store changes here, was told that will change in september. but dont have an idea on any alltel store closings here yet. area is canton,akron ohio areas.
familyguync07 said:
Even though Alltel was bought it is almost like it is still alltel till the big red sign goes up
Because that's the way it is. And the signs don't go up until the Alltel customer billing database is "imported" into VZW's - on a regional basis, one by one - and that is by design. In markets to be divested, the stores that are branded Alltel are operating as a separate company, because that is what they are - and the Alltel stores being retained are slowly incorporating VZW process and procedures into their daily lives - and the name on the door and signs out front change when billing is merged.
familyguync07 said:
I know what is going on I never said I didn't you jerk don't talk down to people ! Do you think your crap doesnt stink?? Is that it?? I know that verizon has owned alltel since jan Hell I work for them I know whats 100% going on