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Western Wireless and Alltel
Has anyone heard anything new on the buy out? In Kansas and Nebraska it is still up in the air. Any ideas on the chances of it going through? I'm with WW, will we be able to get out of our contracts? Or will we go to another company, like Verizon?
It sounds like it will go through, however there cannot be any comment on any divestitures (just as Cingular experienced with the ATTWS purchase). Nobody will able to speak as to whether or not you will be able to leave Western Wireless or not. Most likely you would not be able to if ALLTEL can offer you the same service for the same price. You will just have to sit tight and see what happens. I'm speaking from experience--I was a part of ATTWS that was being prepped to become Cingular and then we were divested to ALLTEL!
"It ain't broke, it just needs duct tape!"
Western Wireless is rumored to being bought out by Alltel, significantly expanding Alltel's footprint in the Rocky Mountain region. Verizon and Alltel work very closely together on roaming...but if you're with Western Wireless now, you will likely become an Alltel customer by late this year.
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