Bluetooth advice
Aside from not fitting my ear with any of the gel buds, the wire clip that I need to use just outright hurts to wear. I was much happier with my previous Explorer (don't know the model but it's about a year old). The 655 is also scratchy sounding sometimes. Oh and while carrying it in the provided holster/clip, which I thought was pretty nice, the earclip and smaller earbud came off somewhere.
Can someone recommend a med to highend bluetooth device that still uses the "cone" listening device rather than an earbud? That one Jabra device looks interesting and it looks like the earpiece would work...
I'm interested in the SE PV-705, too. Amazon has them, but CNET hasn't done a review on them yet, they seem alright with the other SE models that look similar though. It doesn't have the earbud either.
I may be forced to stop back at the Verizon store and see what they have and are using. I know quite a few employees have enVs. Easier to exchange, too.
I'm off to CNET to look at the Samsung's review.