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External Antennas
Very few new phones seem to have external antenna jacks. Does anyone know anything (good or bad) about the various non-wired antennas, repeaters, etc.? I travel out where cell phone signals are very weak, and my old phone has a jack for an external antenna that worked quite well. I'd really like to get a newer phone (LG Env3 to be specific) which has no external antenna jack. Would appreciate suggestions for a working solution.
Owned the 510 wi-ex zboost, worked great just make sure you have the antennas properly set up and far enough apart. Other than that the repeater is set up.
I just wanted to mention that if you do get a wired kit, rather than needing the antenna pig tail and a jack for it, you could use an induction coupling adapter. No port required.
I've used external antennas for years. I can certainly tell the difference when in rural, poorly served areas.
Tried two "induction" adapters, never worked for me. If it doesn't plug, it doesn't work. That's my experience.
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