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How Can I Block Incoming Text Messages
I have a phone with Rogers AT&T and it is the Motorola V300 GSM phone. I am receiving unwanted text message's and I called Rogers and they said that there is nothing that can be done. I am wondering if this is true ? or If there is some other way that the handset could be reprogrammed/reconfigured so that NO text message's would be able to be received on my handset. Any one out there that can help ? Please Please Please
Hmmm .. Rogers sucks if they are not able to, I know at Telus we can, I'm at the network department and it is pretty easy to do for us... We have the choice to block incoming messages from a pc device, another handset or both....
not sure for rogers but AT&T wireless out of the US can block test msging. all you have to do is add no msg terminate to the account and remove the text msg feature. it blocks all text msging not just certian ones. the rep you called may have just been stupid. call again you'll get a different answer
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