Windows Mobile Professional
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Anyone Know Where i can get a Download for my phone of Windows Mobile 6
Some please help me......i need to upgrade my phone...i just need to know the how if anyone know how...please help...thanks
Mar 27, 2008, 9:37 PM
Try, there's usually a lot of cracked ware and freeware. Try at your own risk.
First of all, what phone do you have?
What Yean said is correct. But do be careful. If you do it wrong, you're screwed!
thanks....let me ask this..when i find the program should i install it through active synce or will be some prompts that will guide me through the process?
Active sync is the way to do it. I believe that it will give you instruction.
Let me know how it turns out. I'm buying an 8125 to replace my water damaged Blackjack, and may put Windows Mobile 6 on it if it's successful.
tried to find program on they had was copy protected ware and my phone wouldnt connect to the know anywhere else i could get the software from?
As soon as I find out, I'll let ya know.
You hear anything on the WM6?
alright...let me know if something comes up.....
Totally going about it the wrong way... Look at, under Wizard.
Becareful though, make sure you read and follow instructions as there are different versions of your phones. Reading could be the difference between WM6 and WM Brick.
True, which is why I sold my 8125 to get a Tilt, with Windows Mobile 6.1
Apr 9, 2008, 9:24 AM
Go to
Click on the link that pertains to your phone.
If the download exists, you'll see a thread about a WM6 ROM.
Follow the instructions on the thread to update your phone's OS.
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