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6820, 6230 or 7610????
I'm buying one of these three phones, any input on what anyone thinks is the better of the three, and why???
6230 works better.... 7610 has a better camera... try the 6620 a mixture of the 2.....
I have the 7610 and it works fine. Very good camera and takes good videos. It works just like a 6620, so Get either a 6620 or a 7610. The 6820 has a small screen and bad camera, if you like that then buy a Sidekick II.
definately 7610, because its a series 60 and can support many more apps over the 6230 which is s40. 6620 is also an s60 but the 7610 looks better and has a much louder loudspeaker although its mono output
u should get 6230!!
only thing bout 7610 is tha megapix cam
only thing bout 6820 is tha keboard
no stereo and radio on 7610
no radio no mp3 on 6820
poor pics on 6820
mp3, radio, 4mins video, vga, on 6230
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