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6585 Data Cable
Nokia web site says to use the DKU-5 cable. Ordered one and installed software but it wouldn't work- I'm hoping because it was not original Nokia. I see on e-bay that some sellers have the CA-42 cable listed for the 6585. Would that cable work? What's the difference? Thanks for any input. The 6585 is a great little phone btw...had it since Feb...not disappointed.
If you are trying to use phone sync, either cable should work. I have used the CA-42 on 3585, 3586, 3587, 6015, 6225, 6585, and 6255. It is kind of like when they went from LCH9 to the LCH-12 vehicle adapter. Just a differnt model number so people will buy it. XP should take care of the mess for you. If you are trying to use it as a modem, make sure to install the modem driver.
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