Switch to Nokia 6820? or another bluetooth phone?
However, I have since puchased a new car that will synchronize with a bluetooth phone.
It appears that Verizon will not have a BlueTooth phone for some time, possibly late this year, if then.
I am considering switching to AT&T or Cingular and possibly buying the new Nokia 6820 or another bluetooth enabled phone. I don't travel as much as I used to and am wondering if anyone can tell about the AT&T service. Also would like to hear from anyone that has the bluetooth enabled phones which one is the best. I live in the northern Ohio area.
Right now the 6820 is only available with ATT but it is supposed to be due out to Cingular very soon. If time is not an issue I would wait for the 6230 to come out on Cingular and go with that... just my opinion.
What kinda car? I have been looking at the new TL from Acura as I am a loyal Acura customer...