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Alt. Keypad for 6230
Anybody know if there is a decent replacement keypad for a 6230 that has a better multi-direction/select button? The problem I have with the one it came with is that I find it difficult to push it as a select without accidentally hitting one of the directions too.
I had the same problem. On one of the other forums a respondent indicated they took off the face cover and put a very small piece of tape under the center select stud. I tried it and it works! I'm no longer looking for a 6230i keypad.
wow! that fixed the problem... who'd have thought there was such a simple solution. you saved me from having to exchange the phone for another model!
Glad it worked for you. I thought it was so stupidly simple that there had to be something wrong with it but after about a month I haven't found anything. Sure does have to be a small piece of tape though.
yeah, very small indeed. now, if only i could find bejeweled, my wife would finally be satisfied 🙄
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