Should I use a non-OEM battery in my RAZR?
I'm definitely going to get the extended battery although I can see from the photos that my phone will no longer fit in my case. But I'm wondering if the non-OEM battery is indeed as good as the genuine Motorola.
I have not had any problems. While the manufacturer won't recommend it, I think that is mostly due to the outrageous price tags associated with them. They pay these 5 year olds 30 cents a day to make them, then charge a fortune. So, why not buy the same thing made by the same children but pay closer to what is reasonable?
I bought 2 replacement cell phone batteries, a wall charger, car charger and two AA/AAA recharger units with batteries for the price of ONE cell phone battery. Ive had it almost a year, and my house hasnt blown up, my car hasnt blown up, the cell phone and the batteries haven't blown up.
I do notice my talk time is not near as much; but at 10% of the cost? WHO cares? Thats one rea...