Sony Ericsson
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Minis Sony Ericsson K700i review.
If you only need a remote control, however, this appears to be built-in now in Mac OS X 10.3.5, as evident when I pair a Sony Ericsson K700i to my PowerBook. Not only does OS X know the K700i has a built-in remote control feature, but it even offers to set it up for me. The first time you do so, the K700i will go to the "remote control" panel and allow you to give it a whirl. Rather neat, but still haven't played with the Media Player remote yet, and I think that is probably one of the cooler ideas. Moving my mouse across a 20" Cinema display with a mobile phone takes a little while... to have such problems, I know.
Enjoy my cool little video of the K700i's new Remote Control display. You can still continue to use Salling Clicker if you ...
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