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W850i white screen of death
My W850i won't turn on anymore, it goes to the sonyericsson screen and then goes white and shuts off.
Anybody know how to fix this? Being a foreign phone, Sony Ericsson here in the US won't support it, pretty expensive phone to have to trash 😢
I would be VERY appreciative of any help!
Bang it against a wall really hard, that should fix it.
hmm thanks, any real suggestions? i'm thinking its probably the LCD screen or flex, but dont know if anybody else has had this issue
i dont think it the lcd or flex, if it where that u would not even se the logo and it would not turn f that way ... it may be an isse on the memory try getting a sw upgrade...good luck >_
i dont think its the lcd or flex, if it where that u would not even se the logo and it would not turn f that way ... it may be an isse on the memory try getting a sw upgrade...good luck 😛 or it could be short sicuting dont try to turn ure phone any more u will only greaten the damge and try geting a non oficial repair centern .. othe than 🤠that RIP w850i
ndubes. from what it sounds like to me, and alex_mar is correct in saying this, it is either a software problem or a short in the phone which is keeping it from loading properly. I would take it to the store that tyou bought it from to see if they can re-flash the software in it. If that doesn't work, and you have insurance on the phone, I would call your celphone service provider and see about geting it replaced.
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