Sony Ericsson
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phone won't talk through ear
Oct 3, 2005, 3:07 PM
my phone will onlu talk if i put it on speaker phone or use an earbud. I've tried everything but can't seem to get it to work right. When someone calls me and I put it to my ear I can't hear them but they can hear me. I have to put in the ear bud or put it on speakerphone to hear. i have changed the profile from hands free but it still won't work. There is something on the menu called basic handsfree but it says not available at this time. I haven't dropped it or anything. It just appears to be stuck in earbud mode. Please help
I have a z500a
Oct 19, 2005, 1:24 PM
My advise is get a new phone. I have the z500 and had the same problem. The speaker wires may have come undone so take it to a store in your area and see if they can fix it
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