Recovering memory
I have an HTC 5800 and am basically very pleased with it.
Last week for some reason the phone re-set itself (it crashed and announced that it needed to restart) after powering it on in the morning.
I re synced it with my computer (it renamed the partnership, annoying but, oh well) and I was on may way. Reinstalled some favorite applications (Live Search, Pocket Stars, Sudoku, MSNBC Mobile and Syncdata SmartphoneNotes)all to the memory card and went on my way.
Last night while downloading email (only three days at a time, less than 100 messages total) the phone announced that it was low on memory; only about 0.25 MB out of 44.05 MB. I was able to delete some Internet files and regain another 1.75 MB but cannot find what is...