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feel good! still use this phone
Happy with my batterylife on this now with an extended battery! When i got it the stock battery, i think it was dreadful and i contacted the customer service but they refuse to resent me a new one. I have to order a new extra battery. My currently one from MPJ improved about 30-40%.
I keep it running processes at minimum. I don't fill it up with uselsess apps that runs in the background.
I keep Bluetooth off all the time, and Wi-Fi on only when there is any avaliable. I keep the brightness at lowest possible and Sync off. I sync only when i need to sync.
And so far so good, the phone/battery is good enough for me and i have used this phone for 1 year.
Feb 9, 2014, 10:03 PM
I am preparing to retire this phone...or maybe I should give it another chance? lol
Mar 3, 2014, 2:13 AM
Huawei becomes one to be watched.
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