Casio G'zOne Commando
Casio's G'zOne Commando Gets Hefty Maintenance Update
Verizon Wireless has announced the details about a system update for the Casio G'zOne Commando. The update, which can be downloaded over the air, installs a broad range of bug fixes and performance improvements. In particular, the push-to-talk function has improved Bluetooth compatibility; GPS and VZ Navigator have been stabilized; and the Wireless Alert System has been added, among many other improvements.
Casio G'zOne Commando Update Adds Push-to-Talk
Verizon Wireless has made a system update available to the Casio G'zOne Commando that adds support for free push-to-talk services. The update also makes improvements to security, replaces the V CAST Video app with Verizon Video, adds new system alerts, and fixes a variety of bugs. The update can be downloaded over the air.