Motorola RIZR Z3
Reviews 59
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Is my RIZR Z3 Defective?
I just received my new Motorola RIZR Z3 (ordered online, unlocked). It's beautiful and works fine. However, when the slider is closed, there is a minor left-to-right wiggle or looseness of the slider portion, especially at the bottom end. I have no way of knowing if this is normal. Does anyone who has this phone notice the same thing, or should the slider have no lateral movement whatsoever? Please let me know ASAP, as I only have a few days left to return it if it is indeed defective. Thanks
Seems to be normal. Mine is the same way. As long as the slider isn't falling off, no big deal.
Jul 13, 2007, 8:12 PM
Same quality issue here after 3 phone replacements by them: Also I though I was the only one having issues with Z3 Phone turns OFF itself while talking, taking a photo, video or checking messages.
It will also reboot while just sitting idle.
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