Palm Treo 750
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Release information from Cingular Business (My Rep)
Spoke with my Cingular rep and he sent the following e-mail to me:
>>> "Herman, xxxx" 12/18/2006 2:18 PM >>>
It was supposed to be released this month but has been moved to February.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2006 1:49 PM
To: Herman
Subject: treo question
I have a user inquiring about the projected availability of the new TREO 750. Any word on it's release?
Not saying that this is 100% correct, but he was pretty up to date with other phones that I have asked about in the past.
well that falls into the fiscal quarter that palm has said previously.
Everything is hearsay until Cingular approves the phone for release. It has not been approved due to numerous bugs. Once approved, we should see it in the stores in a matter of weeks.
Is there any chance Sprint will offer this phone by mid '07???
cingular treo 750 was approved today so it shouldnt be too long before this phone is released.
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