Samsung SCH-U740 Alias
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When i go into the get it now/get ringtones/get new app. section it says "no items found." The tech rep at Verizon said to exchange the phone...i did. The other phone says the same thing. Anyone else experiencing this?
wait for a firmware update.
The good folks at Verizon called back and gave me the answer. The ring tones (VZW Deluxe, etc.)will be available for the phone next Wednesday and then again the following Wednesday.
So far only Sony Music box 3 has been downloaded to the Get It Now Ringtones. There will be more this weekend and more the following. I did download 3 songs from there, and it transfered all 3 to my phone, but only on works. The other two worked for about 15 minutes, then stopped. I did download another ringtone from a picture Get It now site on Mobile Box Office, that one works fine. I hope this helps.
Just use "tone this" to make ringtones instead on waiting for the slow-a** verizon to make programs. Then you would only have to pay 0.25 a song instead of 3.00...
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