Nokia N75
N75 Contact List ...???
Using Nokia software I restored previous Addr Book backup to N75. Earlier models used only one "Contact Name", N75 uses both First Name and Last Name. Display options are Last Nm; First Nm -or- First Nm; Last Nm.
All that's OK - restore function (rightfully so) put the Contact Name into the N75 Last Name field. BUT now, for whatever reason, contact name sequencing is all screwed up. I have over 500 contacts (using phone memory) - if I key an "S" (to get to the S's) the first name beginning with an "S" may not show up until 1/2 - 2/3 down the screen. The first entry on the screen may be an "A" contact.
I've used both N75 display options, used both memory and SI...
If I key in the first two characters of the name I'm looking for it'll get me there, but having to type more characters is kind of a pain though after 15 years of just typing one on Nokia's! Just thought I'd screwed up somewhere and couldn't figure out where!