Nokia N75
Reviews 69
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phone review
Ok since everybody is bashing this phone, let me be the 300th to say that you people are insane. This phone had holy expectations, so there are of course gonna be the few idiots out there like nokiagoth who don't know anything about phones. Joseph, as much as I hate him, got this right. This is an awesome phone. The battery life is fine, I've just transfered 200 pictures and 30 ring tones through bluetooth, sent 187 text messages, and talked on the phone for two hours and fifty seven minutes, and it is now day two and I still have two bars left for the battery life. And it is on my first charge. The applications menu has a slight delay but seriously who cares, how busy are you that you can't wait 2 milliseconds? And the reception is a...
I think the phone will be everything I want it to be...
That is...
1) A phone
2) An alarm
3) An address book
Everything else is extra (and fun).
None of the above is workable if I have to charge the phone everyday. The battery life has to be reasonable. Every other day? No problem. I understand that this is going to happen because it IS a smartphone. If I can get three days on one charge with moderate use, I'll be happy.
This is the only decision point I have left for purchasing this phone. I have until the end of May to make up my mind! (Upgrade time)
So, thanks for the specific info about amount of use versus effect on battery.
That is what I truly need to know...
Any other "battery" thoughts, please...
The battery life is an issue. I plug mine in at night and I'm not having any problems although I did buy a car charger just in case. Cingy said the Blackjack had battery life issues when it came out and everyone complained to Samsung so much that they came out with an upgraded battery that resolved most peoples problem. I hope Nokia will do the same. If you are a moderate user, this phone will not last 2 full days on a charge...period.
Just got mine today. So far, no problems except for the fact they were not able to transfer phonebook, no shortcuts for loudspeaker or voice command and no free ringers.
May 12, 2007, 2:43 PM
My only disappointment with the phone is that Nokia didn't increase the ram. They apparently did on the N76. Other than that it is a great phone.
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