Nokia N75
Amazon N75 price all over the map
Now Amazon has the N75 for $39 from Wirefly and an est. shipping of 1-2 days! Or from Amazon direct for $39 - $25 rebate = $15!
I guess I might as well go ahead and cancel my $49 order. I hope getting the contract resign bonus doesn't get all screwed up if you cancel and re-order.. Anyone have any experience there?
If I went through the Amazon direct $15 deal, I imagine my order would then get placed last in queue behind everyone who bought since it became available. So I'll probably opt for the Wirefly instead of twiddling my thumbs for another 6 weeks while you guys get to play around with your N75s :...
You mentioned you are going to order directly from amazon for $15 after rebate. Can you post the link to the amazon page? I could only find the page for n75 being sold through wirefly on amazon.com. Thanks!