Nokia N75
Reviews 69
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Call Quality Issues ...???
Am I the only one have call quality issues???
I've had mine a little over a week - and about a third of my calls are fine - another third are "iffy" (muffled, etc) - and the last third are terrible (choppy, broken up, etc.).
I want to think it's a network problem - 'cept I never have any of those problems with my 6230 or 6102!
Anyone else ...?
DITTO,I've only had one that was terrible, but the speaker phone conversations are a 50/50 bet whether they will be clear or not.
I really WANT to like this phone and DON'T want to return it but it's pushing me in that direction. My 6230 and 6102 have chugged along quite nicely with nary a problem but I sure wanted the N75 to work !
I get the clearest calls & the best reception I have ever got with any phone. I think I have only dropped 1 call. I get all bars in my home office where the motorola I was temp. using only got 1 bar and people couldn't hear me. Maybe it is a location thing.
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