Nokia N75
Reviews 69
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does nokia still make phones?!
Go to cingular site, Nokia has like one phone left! Verizon has virtually nothing. They dont have any high end phones!
All the cool N-series are in Europe!
I can get the n-series in the states, but Nokia USA won't warranty it. Is either the phones are like $20 with contracts or the super high ends that no one buys are like $600! I wouldn't mind spending $300 on a phone with cool features, they dont have that!
this sucks!
uo95Dec 7, 2006, 5:08 PM
That is untrue about NokiaUSa not warrantying the NSeries phones in the US. You can buy any of the NSeries phones at or at Any phone purchased through those sites carry the full US warranty. So do the ones you can buy at Lets Talk. If you don't believe me, call NokiaUSA customer care and ask them if a phone you buy through the Nokia USA site is covered by US warranty.
u r absolutely correct! i have spoke to nokia reps from europe & its pretty much true they have abandoned the us market..problem is that users in the us just don't go for or appreciate the what a cell can do..we are just behind the times and nokia doesn't need dumb americans to grow their market..could be they may start to re-enter the usa market in the next year or so..but cingular has been heavy handed with their 3g requirement
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