Samsung BlackJack SGH-i607
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Does this phone have GPS capabilities?
Or do I need to get a separate device/software for it? I am thinking about picking it up this weekend, but I need to know if you guys recommend this. Also, does it come with the newly released Mobile 6?
Thanks in advance!
No the phone does not have GPS built-in. You will need Separate SW/HW for it. No, it does not come w/ WM6. And it's still up in the air whether or not Cingular will provide an upgrade for owners this phone. My suggestion to you is: don't bank on it.
If the phone is nice enough as is, for you to consider getting it, then go for it. Otherwise, you will always be waiting for what's around the corner.
i dont see wm6 upgrade being offered. theres too much money in just producing new phones with wm6 so that people will buy more phones.
can we just upgrade the phone ourselves?
Mar 6, 2007, 11:30 AM
I looked at features and it's just a minor upgrade. Should've been called WM5.5 or something. Except for MS finally supplying Office editing apps (which you can buy yourself for $25, see DocsToGo Smartphone) I don't see anything really to drool about.
The difference between WinMo5 and WinMo6 is HUGE. The Flash video on MS's website only tells you part of the story. There's a lot going on under the hood too. WinMo6 is WAY more responsive and there's new options and features, too.
Cingular/AT&T will be offering a free upgrade to WinMo6 for BJ users starting I think May 26th. For anyone that is considering upgrading their BJ on their own, keep this in mind: WinMo6 SmartPhone edition is not available yet & won't be until mid-May. This is why it's taking so long for AT&T to offer the upgrade. You gotta have the software available before you can upgrade!!!
I run the Garmin XT software with bluetooth receiver and it runs great. I bought it on for a great price and the service is excellent.
Mar 6, 2007, 11:53 AM
Yes, same here. I also use my BJ with portable GlobaslSat BT-359 Bluetooth GPS reciever (btw, the same that Cingy sells with inferior TeleNav service) also bought from and it works fine Google Maps and Live. Besides Garmin there's also a CoPilot nav software and maps (full North America and Europe) that supports WM5 Smartphone devices. On GpsPassion forums there's a report that TomTom Navigator alos runs on WM5 Smartphones.
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