Samsung BlackJack SGH-i607
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"E" on display
First of all, I´m sorry about my english.. I own one BlackJack, and I want to know, please, what is the "E" in my display... There is two "E" in my display... one small near the signal bar, and one bigger, near the vibrate mode signal...
And another question... When I close Internet Explorer and E-mail at Task Manager, it means that I don´t have transfer between my BlackJack and the internet? (I don´t want to pay for MB if I´m not using it)...
Thank You again
I am curious too what this "E" means? The blackjack manual seems very limited regarding some of the display symbols.
Does anyone know what the tilted phone handpiece with the ! symbol means?
the phone with the ! means you have a missed call -- and the E i think means EDGE -- you can actually go to and download a FULL owners manual for the blackjack or you can try i got it from one of those!!
hope that helps
i can actually upload it and post where to get it in a little bit for everybody...
If u have the Cingular plan, it means EDGE and that means that u have dropped out of the 3G supported area. It still means that u have data connection but not as much as u would with the 3G supported area.
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