Samsung BlackJack SGH-i607
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Blackjack vs. 3125?
Please let me know asap, since I'm getting one or the other on Friday.
You can't go wrong with either one. I have a Blackjack and my wife has the 3125, both work great. The main question is, which form factor do you prefer. I will say that I believe the Blackjack is the better choice.
I agree, but then again, I like having a qwerty keyboard over the other option.
Jun 16, 2007, 10:15 PM
I have unlocked and used both on T-Mobile. Battery time is about the same for both. The 3125 has much better reception and works better with the bluetooth in my car. The blackjack has the keyboard for easier responding to emails. Other than that it is really just which form do you like.
I've used both by now. The Blackjack is better.
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