Samsung BlackJack SGH-i607
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BlackJack vs Treo 680
IrishNov 27, 2006, 5:06 PM
I've been waiting for the Treo 680 for sometime as I really need a smartphone now. Besides the size of the BlackJack, what would be the advantage over the 680
The two main difference between the 2 are the operating system and the 3G/high speed data. The form factor is more of a personal preference, if you want a Q like PDA or a Treo size PDA. The Treo 680 is old technology, GSM only and no 3G and no high speed data. Blackjack is 3G with HSDPA. If you just want a great phone/PDA and does not use a lot of email or web access, the 680 might be good for you. If you're looking for a nice PDA with high speed data, then the Black jack is the way to go. Keep in mind that the Treo has a better qwerty keyboard compared to the BJ. The BJ keyboard is a little cramped. The Treo has a better phone like feel if you're using the phone without any headset. The Treo 680 uses the old Palm OS vs. WM for the BJ. ...
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