Motorola RAZR V3xx
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different browser?
Is there a way to use a different web browser with this phone? Could I use an updated version of Opera mini?
Yes opera mini works on this phone.
Well yes, OperaMini does work, and I use it occasionally, but each time it needs new data, you need to approve it. That's every time. Try it with Google Maps and you'll see how frustrating it is. As far as I know, no one on this forum, or anyone else I've spoken with has a way to disable this. If you get used to it, it's not horrible, just a nuisance, and OperaMini is better for some things, but I can even access my MySpace page on the built-in MediaNet (which is actually OperaMobile), so that's not so bad either.
Its not opera mini's fault. Its Cingular not approving security certificates for 3rd party java apps. There is a hack to fix it. The guys on howard forums know how to do it.
I know it's a Cingy thing...those ba$#%rds! 🙂
I've been on Howard Forums but haven't seen the hack. Would love top find out how. I'll give it another look.
Since this is my backup phone its not really an issue for me. Nothing beats my primary phone 🙂
I noticed this too. I LOVE the latest Opera Mini. It blows the proprietary browser for MEDianet away!
Does anyone have a link to the hack on the Howard forums? I'd be willing to give it a shot...
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