Apple iPhone
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Where to buy it: Apple store
From what I can gather, AT&T stores rec'd very few in stock. I highly doubt ANY on the East coast have any left by now, and those on the West coast will probably sell out soon if they haven't already.
Apple stores are a totally different story. All received hundreds, the lines moved quickly, and many should still have some, even on the East coast.
I tried an AT&T store, waited in line for a while, then they sold out before I got one. So I drove to an Apple store... no line, in and out in two minutes, and they had hundreds left in stock (there was a huge stack). Eric Zeman had pretty much the same experience (worse at the AT&T store, actually, but that's another story.)
So you actually bought this thing with your own money, Rich? 🙄
Im sure there's some money in their budget to buy a phone like this and test they can sell it on ebay and pretty much break even.
They'd probably make profit selling on eBay.
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