Apple iPhone
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MAC users have become drones
MAC users have become the very commercial they put out in 1984. They see an apple on a product and TA-DA it is the greatest thing since oxygen. Don't get me wrong, They have great stuff in some avenues, but they also have turds(Apple TV). The first launch of the iPhone is not that good right now. I am a retailer for the provider and I still feel this way. It is WAY too limited the price tag it has. Put a dress on a turd and it is still .... a Turd. In this case the dress is an Apple logo. Wait until the 3G version comes out. The "bugs" will be gone after that.
Jul 2, 2007, 3:36 PM
it's just... you're not really saying anything that hasn't been said a million times in here already.
Jul 2, 2007, 6:04 PM
the only thing I'd add to your note is that, iFlop is running on a Samsung engine, for those who love all things touch screen soon they'll have many options, at half the price and with better features... 🙂 S
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