Apple iPhone
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is it worth it
Alright now that its been out for a while and folks have had a chance to use it is it worth it? I am probably the last person on the planet without a cell phone and was thinking of maing this my first "smart phone" or is there one that is a bit better and i should wait for round two of the iPhone?
You know that question is really based on what your needs are and if you know what to expect from the device.
You need to do your research before walking in and buying the device, but think of it as a 2GB shuffle, 1GB for the OS and 4GB for video/movies, and 1GB for files.
If that works for you, then also think about the PDA functions and see if it fits your needs.
I have had a most wonderful experience and I am extremely happy with the iphone. I changed from verizon a year ago and had no problem with activation. the phone has worked flawlessly and Ihave not had the hearing problems that some seem to have sensed. I would recommend it , but it does depend upon what youare seeking in a phone, ipod, and handheld computer. 😁
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