Apple iPhone
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Apple attacks modified iphones via software update
According to RCRWirless News if you unlock an Iphone that you paid for!! Apple will send a software update that will render your device that stinks
Since the phone they sold you wasn't unlocked to beginwith I don't see the argument. They never said they would support unlocked phones and clearly state that the update may have unintentional impact to phones with third party tools. The unlocked phones would need to be reactivated with an att sim just as they intended tv phone to be used when they sold it.
Its one thing not to support a device that has been unlocked, I can understand voiding the warranty out for those iphones. But its totally different to send a software update out that the user has no choice but to receive to purposely destroy there iphone rendering it useless
your logic is flawed. There is no one forcing the update so if you don't want it then don't install it. And the update doesn't render the phone useless. You can still use it with att
apple even tells you before you update that there is a possibility that the update will brick your phone. those people took the risk
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