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Verizon PDA User Seriously Thinking About Crossing Over
Good Day! I need an unbiased opinion. I currently have the Samsung i730 and have been a Verizon customer for a while now; but I was once with Cingular. I'm not to happy with Verizon's version of the iphone nor the upgrade for the i730, the i760. I've looked at the iphone and it seems that I can still get my PDA functions with the added others. Can you guys share your thoughts and help me to decide. I'll either cross over and get the iphone or stay with Verizon and get the Samsung i760. 😕
iphone. What can I say you will love it 10 fold over any phone Verizon has.
I too am a long time VZW customer. I went to the store on Friday and played with the Voyager before I make a decision on the iphone...The voyager is cute and a joke. No synching, lousy browser and a staff who knew far less than I did. If you read the public comments of Verizon execs I hope you are not a stock holder. Unbelievable morons. No other word to describe it
It really depends on what you do with your phone. I have verizon, but the other 3 members in my family have att. The voice quality is terrible on att! I hate talking to my fam, unless they are on a hardline.
Verizon has some wonderful options and if you really need true PDA functionality then you should get a PDA, not the iphone. The iphone has its share of limitations as well, and while it's a technological marvel, I still wonder how truly functional the unit is for PDA users.
Thanks CWCANTY! I've also heard that you cannot get insurance for the iPhone. I think I have made up my mind!
You're welcome!
And yes, you cannot get insurance on ANY smartphone or PDA with att--which seems a bit ridiculous to me.
Good luck with your search and if you have any questions feel free to ask.
You can get insurance, but not from ATT. I think there were some details on this in an earlier thread.Someone cited Safeguard which when I did the numbers was a complete rip. But -now
looks like a decent deal unless there are too many catches
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