Apple iPhone
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I was going to buy it this weekend...
I was going to buy it this weekend, but with all the current discussion out there about iPhone 2 and years of using Apple products and knowing how they tend to do things, I am really thinking I should at least wait until Macworld Expo. It seems they will show the new sub-notebook there, but hopefully make a definitive statement about the next generation iPhone.
Anybody concur or differ?
I am in the same boat. I've been holding off since October on really wanting to buy one, but I too am afraid of them releasing an iphone 2 very soon.
It would probably be wise to wait until the mac expo, because Jobs will no doubt give us some kind of updated information on this (estimated release, what features it will include etc...)
I'm torn, I want to get one in the next week, but I know waiting another month is the better move. I may still just risk it and buy the iphone next week, knowing that I can always sell it if something comes out in march or summertime.
personally, I would rather have the iphone for 6 months then get iphone 2 when it drops.
I may go ahead this week and do it anywat especially since my company is reimbursing me and it would only be my money if I bought the next version. BUT... I think the prudent things is to wait until macworld expo and see what they say. It's only what? 5 weeks away?
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