I have been looking at the Q9h and I think I'm going to buy one whenever they finally come out on AT&T, but I have a question. I already have unlimited text messaging, and then main reason I want a phone like this is for the QWERTY keyboard.
That being said, my question is, when I go to buy this phone, will I have to purchase a data plan for the internet and e-mail even though I don't want it? This may sound stupid, but I've heard some people say you have to buy a data plan and some say you don't.
Thanks for any replies.
If all you want to do is text messaging, you can probably keep the plan you have now and get the phone for $299 with a 2-year commitment. I think you only have to get a data plan if you want the $50 rebate. Since it's a $39/month data plan, you're better off skipping the rebate. Call the service reps, but you shouldn't need any internet/email plans just to send texts.
To make a long story short, yes. Second thing, is if you have an older media plan it just might work anyway. But here in lies the problem, I'm sure our friends at AT&T will notice and require you to change to a PDA plan upon purchase. Might be an idea to buy it outside of contract from an agent or a place like Best Buy (yeah cost more initially but in about 10 months or so the difference will have been made up and its savings from then on in.) and just pop your sim in it.
No you aren't required to purchase a data plan in any fahion.
Please don't answer people's questions without knowing for sure that you are right.
Wow, phonecraver, lighten up. This is a forum, not the Stasi. Do you work for AT&T? Are you right about everything? Giving some feedback about cell phones isn't making crucial world decisions about global warming, they're CELL PHONES!!
If the only reason you want this phone is for the QWERTY keyboard, why don't you just get a Blackjack? It's a lot cheaper and its been out for awhile so they they have had more time fix any bugs(plus it's insurable).
But to answer your question, you don't have to add any kind of package if you don't want to. If you don't, you just won't get the rebate and ruin a sales rep's day because he/she didn't make much commision off of you. I would reccomend not using the internet on it unless you do get a package, because PDA's use a lot more data than your average phone.
Or buy it online, loose rebate, use same data plan. You could change to unlimited data & text for $25. before getting phone & have both for only $5. extra!! 😎
you could do that, but when at&t audits your account and sees that you dont have a PDA plan, they'll make you change it and may even back charge you for all the money you cheated them out of.
sounds stupid, but i've seen them do it...
Buy the phone from eBay, don't tell them you have it, then AT&T won't be able to know you're supposed to have a PDA plan. Don't ask don't tell.
lol fyi they know what phone you are using at any given time sometimes the reps just play dumb but trust me they know go sign into your account on the website and it even tells you what phone your using even if you havent reported the imei. They even know where you are right now!!!!!!!!! but they wont tell you that....