BlackBerry Curve 8300
Need help plugging in Blackberry
I bought a 2gig card for the blackberry, and ONE time when I plugged it into the computer it came up a "no name" external harddrive that when i opened up had "videos" "pictures" etc folders.
However when i tried to drag and drop files it came up with an error message. I tried unplugging it and replugging it in. It has never come up again. I tried it on another computer and it never showed up at all..
my friend has a g5 mac, and a curve, and he says without fail it always just shows up on the desktop and he's able to drag/drop files.
I exchanged the cord, still nothing. I was able to put the sandisc in a card reader and...
First off I would reformat your card (options>settings>media card)
I use a Mac as well, and my device also comes up as "noname" - as far as I believe, you're unable to change that. Once you format the card and mount it properly, you'll have the correct folders.