Sony Ericsson K850
pennyless10 said:
I personally find this phone ergonomical, it has everything right where it needs to be... i like bar style phones better than clamshell because it offers quick access to the main menu and other key features, what would you consider a good looking phone?
I agree that this phone looks good. However, I am unsure what you mean by "ergonomical", especially since this word does not exist.
er·go·nom·ic (ûr'g*-n*m'*ks) Pronunciation Key
(used with a sing. verb) The applied science of equipment design, as for the workplace, intended to maximize productivity by reducing operator fatigue and discomfort.
pennyless10 said:
I personally find this phone ergonomical, it has everything right where it needs to be... i like bar style phones better than clamshell because it offers quick access to the main menu and other key features, what would you consider a good looking phone?
CAN I GET AN AMEN!!!! i thought i was with a dieing breed, everybody wants a flip ph!! 🙄
I hate clamshells that look like makeup cases.
Everything about this phone is solid, and in contrast to other products from Samsung and Motorola, actually feels like it would survive a drop or too as my W810 has many times.