LG VX-8350
Reviews 77
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Design flaw on the 8350?
So I got this phone a couple of days ago and I have to say I love it - options, call clarity, and features are best I've ever had. So I'm looking at the phone today and admiring the design (hey, why not?) and I see this fairly large gap on the top left side of the hinge. It's only visible when the phone is closed, but once you see it it's pretty noticeable. I peeked in there and I can clearly see the top of a circuit board! I think the gap is large enough that potential for dust & dirt buildup in the phone is greatly increased, not to mention God forbid if a single drop of water every accidentally splashes down there. Anyone else who owns this handset have the same problem? It's hard to notice at first because of the angle and the blac...
Hey numberfourtytwo! I also have this phone. Love it too. For a small compact phone. it's pretty great. I see what you're saying though, didn't notice it right away, untill I read your feedback. I'm not sure if I saw th top of a circuit board, but there is a gap, and more noticeable like you said, in the light, but you have to look pretty close. Other than that, not to noticeable otherwise. I agree, you do have to hold it to the light to notice. And because that part is black, it's easy to oversee. Other than that, the phone is pretty nice. Knock wood, no problems, have had it about a week or so. So I hope that won't cause an issue with the phon's function down the road, let's hope not. 😲
Good catch. I'm NOT exactly sure what to make of it, but in one view, it does sorta look like part of a circuit board. I've take a few pictures of what "numberfortytwo" has described. I've uploaded 3 pictures here if you would like to take a look at this link:
>> http://www.geocities.com/secapl/LG8350/
I have the 8350 and have looked for the flaw you mentioned, but I don't see any gap. By the way the phone works flawlessly.
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