LG Rumor / Scoop / UX-260
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any one else having trouble trying to shake the habit of using keypad for texting? it almost feels normal compared to the full qwery thing. i guess its just something to get used to.
LOL... That's too funny that you mentioned that. I text via the keypad all the time. I'm trying to get used to the QWERTY but it seems to take me longer. I've become so accustomed to the T9Word that that's what I prefer. I'm sure we aren't the only ones that feel this way.
im the same way lol... i got so use to typing Itap on my rokr that i don't like the keyboard on the scoop lol! I guess im just strange lol... it took me longer to do a text message via scoop then it would take me to do it via Itap on my rokr.
plus there was some things i didn't like about the scoop that i loved about my rokr.... so i had taken it back 😡
maybe im not an LG person.... oh well.
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