HTC Tilt 8925 / TyTN II
A Couple of Questions
2- Wallpaper: Can you change the front screen to a picture?
3-Speed dial: How many speed dial numbers are there?
2. Yes. Go to Start->Programs->Pictures & Videos, select the picture you want to use as your background, then hit Menu->Set as Today Background.
3. 99 speed dial, but as near as I can tell you can set up as many voice tags as you have free memory.
I have seen information on the Tilt that says it has speaker independent voice dialing, but as near as I can tell that is not true. You can add it to the Tilt by purchasing software such as Microsoft Voice Command 1.6, but it's not built in.
I don't know whether or not MVC 1.6 would allow you to speak numbers and have the phone dial them, but if it can do speaker independent dialing for names you'd think it should also be able to do numbers.