HTC Tilt 8925 / TyTN II
HSDPA disabled by default on AT&T Tilt
http://www.jongma.org/KaiserTweak »
In using it, however, I stumbled upon some interesting information. AT&T apparently ships the Tilt with HSDPA disabled by default. Unless you run some sort of tweak utility like this one, you are limited to UMTS speeds even if you are in an HSDPA-enabled city.
I enabled it, and I think there's probably a good reason they shipped it disabled. Even in downtown Seattle right in the center of AT&T's claimed HSDPA coverage, my Tilt cannot hold onto the HSDPA signal long enough to do anything. It toggles between HSDPA and UMTS, favoring UMTS most of the time. What's weird...